I'm not going to sit here and try to disprove every self professed economical PHD into thinking I hold the answer. Nor am I some silly bastard 'touched by divinity' with the ability of clairvoyance and convince you fine folks that everything is going to be alright. In fact, by my calculations & best educated guess; everything is going to explode into an utterly huge fiery ball of shit! Sorry if you had plans for dinner with the president (be it Bubba from the manure plant or the president of whatever country, pick the hierarchy of your choice), as of the last few years I haven't been invited to any formal functions; so I'm pretty much prepared for any earthly demise.
Taking a moment - For a few of the little cock biters out there that felt the last sentence seemed to contradict itself (I direct your attention to Russell's Rules), I offer this bit of information: I'm not a soothsayer... In saying that I foresee the earth as being destroyed by our hand (or being less inhabitable by today's standards) is by understanding common sense and Sherlock Holmes process of illumination.
Proof of concept that the earth is going to be destroyed (not worth living on) & your bank is out to sodomizing your kids. Two great tastes that taste great together. I didn't make the add campaign back in the 70's, I'm just quoting it here... Psychological Operations stated, that so long as you keep a lie within 3 levels of purported truth, the intended 'victim' will maintain the story as being true. [A concept we'll be visiting quite a bit throughout my run]
Thus – Fact, lie, lie, lie, return to Fact must = truth – so long as each layer of the the lie following the initial fact supports said 'Fact', then the story will be believed. This is what the ignorant conspiracy fucks can't seem to get through their thick skulls. Those cock suckers just want to impress someone with the fact that they have a huge brain (probably because they have an equally small Yin Yang libido). I.e., they go beyond the 4th layer to impress you, but cant support the original fact through the additional layers; thus the story falls apart. I'll be writing more on these morons, but suffice to say I'm not one of them.
Without getting too far out in left field, I vaguely remember being forced to read “Catcher in the Rye” in college and other than a couple of stupid stunts & my military record, I'm not aware of any other FBI blotters that I am about to turn up on (sans this blog site) And as always, much more on all this later as we go... [so far I've made it through level what?... 2?]
Back to world destruction & keeping with the what we'll call the '3 Layers of Deception' (3LD)... Did/Have you opened a new bank account some time ago? I did, just after I left the military. All nice and shiny; they called it "free checking". Said I could have free checks too. Got the check card, the whole sha-bang. But like everything since the industrial revolution, "there's always a catch".
We've all grown up with the caveats. The check card has its limits. Some ATMs will charge you for it's use, some gas pumps (not the actual station, walk inside & pay the clerk!!!) will charge you out the ass or hold your whole gyotdamn account for 48 hours till they get their money. But do you get any interest for the assholes holding your money for that amount of time?
It's little things like this that get lost "in the fine print". Like one of the many military mantras - if you don't ask the question, then "they" won't offer the information. This WILL be discover in the next blog "Ethics", but for now...
Well, my 'free checks' were short lived and come to find out, even if you write a paper check today, it's just like handling the plastic check anyway. It literally goes through electronically. Instantly. AND the bank will hold you responsible automatically as well if something taps your account (think of the 48 hour gas pump and then a trip to the grocer, but you didn't know about this little fact).
Now apply the 3LD - Original fact – writing a check takes 2 days to clear. Banks use this OLD fact to make money off of you 2 fold. 1, the money from your account is instant, therefore you bounce a check – you're penalized or 2, (if there was sufficient funds) they pull the money out of your account and sit on the funds to make interest of of it (that you don't get) before letting it go to whichever account it was intended for. [Example] You write a check for food, thinking you have 2 days till payday. On payday, you'll get your paycheck in the bank 'before' your check clears from the grocer & all's well. When in fact, the check bounced – bank penalty - store penalty – daily penalty. Before you get to the bank you may have incurred $150 to $200 worth of damage and not even got cash yet. Not to mention additional ramifications the store & municipalities (legal issues). All the while the the bank is making interest off your paycheck as it is waiting to 'clear' in it's vault.
This is where the sodomy analogy come's into play. The fact is that the game is being played across your bank, the bank that wrote your paycheck, the bank that your wrote to the store and so on. FAR too boring to take up to in this bog, yet never touched upon in any news gathering agency that I have run across. And this ISN'T deep thinking! It's another form of a Ponzi Scheme that some how slipped through the cracks or possibly got legalized. Granted this scale is Mickey Mouse in comparison, but until the little bitches (not just banks, but financial racketeers alike) fucked up the grander scale items, kept getting away with the ILLEGAL activities and then the economic bubble became nuclear and now we are about to literally swim in their shit with no hope of coming out it. Well, we can, but you aren't going to like my solution... More in a minute.
That bank I got the free checking with? Been with them for 10 years. Been loyal. I only made a couple of mistakes & never made a fuss when it came time to 'pay the fiddler'. All of the sudden (and yes, it was just about "all of the sudden") I'm getting service charges, but it doesn't say from 'who' in my bank statement. What the fuck right?
I mean, even if I'm getting ripped off by Gringo Sauce Ass Rape Intentional, there's still something written in there!
Learning that it was indeed the bank taking a share, I approached them. So I ask the bank, “When did you start this up & can I please have a copy of the confirmation letter?”
Their reply (nice young lady, to the old broken down hippie bastard) went something along the lines of, “You were given a notification in your printed bank statement...” Yet she still didn't give me a printed copy of the fucking thing as I had politely asked for, but politely continued with, “... but if you keep $500 in your account you won't be charged a service fee...”
You know, so long as I pack my ass with steel wool before going to prison I won't have to worry about being ass raped either. How many of “you” fine readers can afford to have $500 kicking around in your checking account? I don't care if you make minimum wage or clear $500K a year, demographics and social climate dictate what the hell is going on with your bank account, not the fucking bank.
Anyway, my point is, “What's my $100 (give or take) a year getting me at this bank?” As I look around I'm seeing new carpets & a new paint job being thrown on the floors & wall and probably a bunch of other shit 'I' really don't deem as being necessary. Not to mention, I'm now paying for checks, the fucking bank card has to last for 6 years (fucking drivers license doesn't even have to last that long WTF), I have to challenge most ATM charges... sodomy no longer seems to be a verbal exclamation.
“Uhm... Russell? Don't you think these items are a bit too low key for you to be complaining about? Especially if they could possibly be read by an international audience? And although the information is good, I don't see it saving my kids...”
Not a problem. I understand that I may not have “that” discerning a clientele, therefore I believe I have something that can blow the lid right the fuck off a nuclear device. The Chernobyl Reactor can't put enough fall-out in the air on this one. Well, it's debatable, but noteworthy none the less...
About 2002, bank president for a place called South Point Bank was loosing her ass on a few properties by an individual who was just like the rest of us. Owned a small business and a couple of houses in the area. He was just trying to make a buck and fend for his family. But like the assholes I'm writing about, Greed just can't keep it's dick out of the punch bowl.
Long story short, I rented a house from this guy, but the locals didn't seem to want this guy to be a business owner, renter or human by any stretch of the imagination. Guess he just didn't play whatever reindeer game there is here. He ends up getting sick, falls behind in his bills, starts the whole refinancing bit. I go to help the guy out and approach the bank with the idea of buying the house. It ends up being a 'contract for deed' with the bank and he has one less worry to deal with.
Fast forward 4 years. House is a money pit. I have dumped a boat load of cash into this thing on top of the payments I've been chopping at already. I'm thinking "cut bait & run like hell". Give the keys back to the bank & thanks very much. I know; the equity I have & all the improvements stay with the property, blah, blah, blah...
Now... Given all the previous banking pissing & moaning, you can ascertain I'm not a financial giant, but I do know this; if I bring home $50, I damn sure know I don't have $60 to spend! Knowing that, while also buffer the next statement with, "Fuck all your politics!"
"Greed and financial bullshit innuendo like I just wrote is what got us in the shape we are in right now!!!" Having made that statement, my story continues... I stood in front of the banker (with her fingers flying over the calculator) as she tried to convince my ass I could afford $1500 for house payments. I was bring home $1700 on a disabled Vets pension.
All said and done, being the asshole that I am (a technique I have cultivated for 30+ years now), I laughed in her face and handed her the keys. A few years later I tried to legitimately get a home and found that that house (willful surrender of the property) went on my credit report as a foreclosure!!! It's a “contract for deed”!!! That doesn't go on anyone's credit report. Luckily I got a written statement from this twat stating that the property was indeed that, but I believe I now have room to complain.
Which now comes to the culmination of the destruction of the earth's surface. World leaders had to see this shit coming. Conspiracy or not, it was an inevitability. 3LD (sadly this thing works the other way too. It can be used to prove the truth as well).
This isn't conspiracy folks. I'm not practicing 3LD here. Somewhere along the line, when all the crazy bullshit spending, cash grabbing, whatever the hell you want to call it got to a level that “they” couldn't hide it, that they couldn't survive another layer of the lie and get it to come back to the fact. “They” turned to what “they” always do, or what “they” have always thought would work (to draw fire away from their activity) and started a war. It always incurs huge expenses. Involves waves of emotions and definitely pulls attention away from white collar criminal activity (i.e., commonly thought of a more 'victimless' crime).
I know, I know... Common ground for discrediting myself to no ends just like every other asshole, but when it gets screamed out by much more educated pundits than me I can only echo the sentiment. And to have already used this as a spring board from one of the first (articles?) to write.
I'm no scientist, so I can't quantify the work on the twin towers for their forensics. I don't have the security clearance to know bat shit about Al Qaeda (if it weren't for Google I wouldn't know how to spell the spineless cock suckers) so I can't give proper insight as to where Bin Laden is hiding (but I can say, I refuse to believe that egotistical son of a bitch has the money to hide that well). I'm not even a political jet setting Washington insider waiting to widen somebodies asshole with another Watergate (which by today's standard is pussy footing).
Frankly, I am almost to the understanding that the American public is to the saturation point of being incapable of handling the information overload of the ass raping of what has already transpired. By my calculations (and I have yet to be proven wrong, my family will shmerk, but I haven't missed one yet), that this whole 'scandal' is actually quite simple.
Russell's lost his shit right? Nope. It's literally single layered. For example: Your town mayor. Takes kick-backs from the garbage people. It's illegal, but then the recycle folks catch wind & they do the same and so on. Well, apply that to an international scale. Don't get crazy and have the house keeper's chihuahua slipping coded messages and shit; just those 2 maybe 3 upper level money thrusting assholes and some lackey naive Wall Street fat cat assholes sodomizing America to grease the operation.
Look, ask questions. Politically Correct is for assholes. If I had a nickel for each time I was asked if I was racist I wouldn't need to worry about the $500 in my checking account. It isn't rude to ask. Sure the bank put it in writing, but if you can't read it tell their ass it read it to you. And if it ain't in your language then tell them to interpret it for you! It's your fucking money! And if they act differently than their 'we care' policy, then do as I did: Go to another bank! As tax payers we've given these bastards a bailout and that doesn't seem to be working. Now their playing little hide the salami word games to grind more money out of us and say that it's legal all in name of "read the fine print".
What do you fine folks say? Bankers... I'm not the slightest bit fucking interested... I've already spoken to you.
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